Saturday, February 16, 2008

Men's Boxers

I've started buying men's boxers.

Don't worry, all you leagues of men who read my blog and hope someday to see me without my bottom half of my clothing on. I still wear pretty panties during the day. In fact, I adore buying cute panties so much you might call me fancy pants. My love of cute panties ranges from the simple classic black panty to the ruffled panty with a red bow in front. There's lots of variety in the middle of that range. But I digress.

I've figured out how comfortable men's boxers are to sleep in. At least in the fickle winter weather. Sure, I admit to sleeping in the nude during the spring and summer. It's effin' hot, okay? I'm lucky enough to have lots of windows in my room and by the time I'm ready for bed the sheets are nice and cool so it feels good to sleep in my birthday suit. As of my favorite season, autumn, though, I require a bit more coverage. Especially when it's just me and the two cats. They prefer to sleep at my feet anyway or out in the living room on their behemoth of a tower in yet another of my windows. What can I say? They likes their windows and I've got plenty of what they need, almost floor to ceiling. They are some lucky bastards in that sense.

Men's boxers are not just comfortable to me but they are like an extension of my sheets. They have soothing patterns. So I feel like I have just managed to make a kangaroo pouch around my southern region out of my sheets that also allows me to move around as needed during the night. I don't have much need for the opening that allows men ready access for urinating but I don't know. Maybe I could store a granola bar in there or something for a midnight snack. I could sew little pockets on the inside to keep a crayon in there for writing down my dreams and ideas. Although it is good access for leg scratching and such. Getting right to the source. There is a big pink elephant sitting in the room right now and I know you're waiting for me to mention that particular access but I'm a lady and I'm not going to. You just go ahead and let your imagination run wild. Go nuts. No pun intended.

I figured this whole thing out when I was in the hospital for some particularly nasty seizures and I wasn't fond of the fact that I was just hanging out with no panties or anything to cover up said panties. I have mentioned a bazillion times in my blogs that most of my friends are guys so you know, when they came to visit me, I didn't want to be like, "Hey, check out my crotch!" We're pretty close, but I don't think we're this close. I'm aware they pee on dumpsters or various places when we get out of the car or go on walks and give them the courtesy of looking away. I've been caught off guard and seen an arc or two but thus far have been able to avoid seeing thier junk. I think we all appreciate this. Also, my best friend Michael was coming to stay the night in the hospital after a particularly terrifying day and night and I anticipated being asleep when he arrived, no matter how hard I tried to stay up to greet him. Who knows what sort of blanket tangle I would be in, so to make a long story long, I asked my mom to buy me some panties and some men's boxers to put on underneath my hospital gown. That way, no one got flashed and I was comfortable.

Don't get me wrong. I have my share of cute nightgowns and pajama pants but sometimes you just want something utilitarian. You just want a t-shirt and well, some boxer shorts. They're handy to crawl into when you're super tired and you don't have to think a lot about them. When no one is around to see them, boxer shorts are your go-to apparrel. Keep the other stuff clean in case pigs fly and you might actually start having someone who shares the other side of your bed. Of course, that means moving your books and stuff that you normally snuggle with but that's fine. If I'm going to put on my charcoal gray nightgown that makes my boobs look awesome and a pair of fancy pants, the books can spend the night elsewhere for awhile. Obviously, if I've found someone who likes books and robots and stuff and wants to hang out on the other side of the bed on kind of a permanent basis, we can call in a nightstand for him too. It's not a big problem to solve.

Although I'm sure the boxers would still make their appearances. After all, love me, love my boxers. At least they look good with my shawl.