Monday, June 11, 2007

To Be A Part of an Orchid

I have this orchid.

I don't know anything about orchids except that they are the most beautiful flower in the known universe.

It was doing well, sporting lavender blooms you could almost touch when you thought about them. In the last month, though, they started dropping off one by one, despite its care and diet of orchid food. Its temperature was kept warm and a spot reserved for it in just the right light. Yet, as the days went on the blooms dropped like flies until i had just three. The very next day, they too had fallen onto the cloth covering the table. A smattering of blossoms, as though it were fall in my little bedroom garden, from my orchid made my heart ache.

The orchid is not dead and for all I know this is just what they do. Possibly, this is the cycle of the orchid. Far be it from me to look up how orchids work. I must instead experiment like I do with everything else, toying and trying, running the process of elimination into the ground.
The orchid still has beautiful green leaves but I am a little sad when I look at the stick that jets out of its bulb. I don't know what is to come of it. Orchids are so magical to me. Will it come back? Is this just what it does? Or is an orchid one of those things I must admire from a far?

It is a dream of mine to successfully grow my own orchid. I love plants and have finally achieved my goal of maintainng a handful. I am even growing lavender from seeds. Yet, orchids are something so much more meaningful to me. I want to be able to cultivate something so near to my soul and know that I was able to put the effort into it. Not because I gleaned the information fom a book, but because I was in tune with what it needed and by being observant and passionate about its existence.

I want to look at my orchid and know I am a part of its beauty

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