Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tall Drink of Water

the trees near my house grow like wheat
sweeping the clouds
shopkeepers waving cumulus kids away
dropping seed pod penny candies
for sparrow children to gulp down gullets

neighborhood favorite featherheads.

my heart curls up on the ledge and
beats itself in time
with the thunder, dropping beats
for the rain to catch and carry away
aquatic vibrations through your faucet

please drink me up at 2 a.m. in the in between

clinging like tiny girl gymnasts to your lips
dripping from your tongue
and warming myself on that moist land i wonder
about when i dream of you on white sheets
turned on side, one foot out and waking only

at the sound of the sun hitting the ground.

you do what you do and you have no idea
you have done well
i want to take your hands and place them
in a bowl of my cool cleansing kisses
as you place your lips on my surface

drinking me all the way in.

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