Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Robot Attack Insurance

Insurance is important. Especially when you have a robot part like I do.

The thing I forgot about is that robots eventually turn on their human counterparts. So I posted this video for all my loved ones and well, the people who vaguely associate with me on an occasional level.

Robot attacks are not to be taken lightly, as Sam Waterston here says. I can totally see myself eating all your medication if I can't get a refill on mine because I've turned on my neurologist and clamped him to death with my claws. It's hard to duplicate his handwriting even though I've won against a couple friends in a signature forging contest. They're artists, though, not doctors.

In addition to eating your medication, I will eat up all your cool action figures. That's what the commercial doesn't tell you. There's no way to tell what I will eat either. Actual market value doesn't matter to me. I have my own criteria. I won't be able to keep my clampy hands off your Purple Pie Man or maybe your old Happy Meal toys. I will be voracious and insatiable.

Don't try to reason with me. It won't work. Once I've turned, the only thing you can do is try not to get clamped.

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