Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Mom Refuses to Read Anymore Today!

"I know I'm angry.  As my FBI Forensic Psychologist Husband put it last night while I was cooking dinner in our historic Cambridge home that was built by a well-known Transcendentalist, 'You're being tricked, Kay." -Patricia Cornwell from her book, "Red Mist" that my Mom is currently reading.  In fact, she came into the guest room in which I am currently lounging to specifically read this sentence.

Thank goodness she did this because I was struggling for a segue into what I wanted to write about: writing. Yes, writing!

I'm aware I haven't posted since May but thank goodness for you, I happened to listen to a podcast interview with my friend, Ben Loory  on Brad Listi's blog, "Other People." I then thought to myself, I should really start blogging again. I'll make a blog tomorrow. Apparently, I already have one I abandoned for several months so I'm letting it rise from the ashes of my memory like a feeble Phoenix.
This is an illustration of how my mind usually works, which is why my blogging tends to save us all a lot of hassle.

Now. You may be saying, "Wendy, why didn't you make easy to click links to all of these references?"  And I say to you, "I tried but it just made two whole blog posts that were linked to Ben's interview and Ben's new book marked BEN LOORY and that seemed a little creepy." Why, two? It's a mystery. So Google them until I figure it out.  I mean for you to use Google and not Bing because Bing sucks. But I digress.

My friend, BEN LOORY, speaks about his writing methods in the podcast.  Part of it is about being in the present and letting the story happen to the reader.  Too much background or any at all, really, according to Ben, is unnecessary and takes away from the experience of being immersed.  A little background about Ben and I: one time, a few years ago, I almost went to visit him but I became very sick and was unable to fly for two years. I also belonged to the bird club where he lives via the internets and tried to sell homemade post cards to benefit it and a man who lived in the park.  I failed but the point is I tried.

See what I did there? No? Okay.

I was pretty inspired by the interview with Ben. It helped me come to terms with the different ways that I write. I'm okay. Ben's okay. You're okay. Patricia Cornwell is not okay. As a writer. I'm sure she's a super nice person.  Yes, I am scared of Patricia Cornwell and her lack of staying in the present but more than that, I am terrified of not knowing what she was being tricked into because of all the damn background information about her fancy house and husband.

As Ben once said to me, "I always like to end on an up note," and I have taken that to heart.  Thus, I end  this blog post in the present.  Here we go.

My Mom just announced from the other room, "That's it. I refuse to read anymore today."
Thanks, Patricia!  Now I can get her to make more tiny cheesecakes.

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